Loading data

Delivery in Moscow and Moscow region

Courier delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region

Cargo weight, kg to 10 kg to 20 kg to 30 kg
Cargo volume, m3 to 0,05 m3 to 0,1 m3 to 0,15 m3
Price, (rub., with VAT) 500 800 1100

Delivery time in Moscow - 2 working days

Delivery time in the Moscow region - 2-4 working days

Delivery of groupage cargo in Moscow and the Moscow region

Cargo weight, kg to 100 kg from 100 to 200 kg from 200 to 300 kg from 300 to 500 kg from 500 to 1000 kg Cost 1 km (rub., with VAT)
Cargo volume, m3 to 1 m3 from 1 to 3 m3 from 1 to 3 m3 from 1 to 4.5 m3 from 1 to 4.5 m3
Price, (rub., with VAT) 1400 1600 2250 3000 6300 30

Cargo delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region

Vehicle type Car load capacity, ton Body volume, m3 Cost of 1 flight, (rub., with VAT) Downtime cost rub/hour (rub., with VAT) Time for unloading, hour Cost 1 km (rub., with VAT)
Machine (board or awning) 20 to 82 19000 2300 2 50
Onboard vehicle 10 - 17500 2100 2 50
Manipulator, with side body 10 - 19000 2400 2 50
Machine (board or awning) 5 to 27 12000 1500 1 35


1. Kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road are paid in both directions!

Scheme of loading reinforced concrete wells

Scheme of loading wells KKSr